What is Destination 2030?

Our goal is change for a more sustainable and healthy world

Our commitment is to lead positive changes in line with the UN 2030 agenda.
Destination 2030 is an action plan with improvement initiatives based on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) (SDGs) that commits us to taking incremental steps towards a better world.


Sustainability Report

This project was launched in 2021 with the intention of carrying out a number of sustainable changes to benefit our social, environmental and economic surroundings, this achievement saw us rewarded with the Q for tourism label, ISO 9001 quality certification, the co-responsible company certificate and the renewal of our BREEAM seal.



Destination 2030 Initiatives

Continuing working on sustainable initiatives

Thanks to the success of the transformation and our responsible activities, we want to maintain our commitment and continue working on the 100 initiatives that have already had a beneficial impact on our society through donations, training, sustainable developments, the circular economy, etc.

The initiatives will address the 17 SDGs through:

Good management practices and commitments.

Improvements to facilities and services.

Global and targeted agreements.

Destination 2030 Initiatives

Continuing working on sustainable initiatives

Gracias al éxito adquirido por la transformación y nuestra actuación responsable, queremos mantener el compromiso de continuar trabajando en las 100 iniciativas  que ya han repercutido de forma beneficiosa a nuestra sociedad a través de donaciones, formación, desarrollos sostenibles, economía circular, etc.

Las iniciativas actuarán sobre los 17 ODS a través de:

Good management practices and commitments.

Improvements to facilities and services.

Global and targeted agreements.

Scope of Destination 2030

Inspired by a new
shape of tomorrow

Each of the 17 SDGs is a commitment that sets out goals to be met by 2030:

Our Partners

Who are our partners?

We generate synergies with different institutions and organisations that work closely with us to achieve our mission.

sociedad protectora animales y plantas
fundacion salud infantil
Vicente ferrer ONG
ONG Aspanias
Asociación de personas CAPAZ
Protectora Huellas Salvadas
Cruz Roja
Oxfam Intermon
aldeas infantiles sos
logo ecoembes
logo aecc

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